Carlo M. Cusumano

Ph.D. candidate

Department of Economics 

Yale University


Curriculum vitae

My research fields are Microeconomic Theory and Political Economy


I will join the University of Georgia as an Assistant Professor of Economics in August 2026

Before then, I will be a one-year postdoc in Political Economy at Princeton's Department of Politics

Working papers

Redistributive Bargaining under the Shadow of Protests

with Ferdinand Pieroth


Misaligning Incentives in Teams

with Tan Gan and Ferdinand Pieroth


Due Diligence in Common Value Auctions

with Ferdinand Pieroth



Competing to Commit: Markets with Rational Inattention

with Francesco Fabbri and Ferdinand Pieroth

(American Economic Review, 2024, 114(1): 285-306)


Work in progress

Political Bargaining with Checks and Balances

with Ferdinand Pieroth

Dormant projects

The Obvious Core

with Masaki Miyashita
